The sword scale of the Marketplace baby Zombie Pigman has been fixed. Scripting documents will display the Sound Event from now on. The renamed blocks from the resource packs will maintain their usual names. If the leash positions are not mentioned in the pack, they will use vanilla positions. Moreover, all the recipes will have tags from now on, making it easier to separate them by their crafting type. Data-driven user recipes have been added.

In the present beta, the Addon and Map creators will have benefits too. The most important changes in Minecraft Bedrock 1.11 are as follows: the generation of the bamboo trees is not behind the experimental mode anymore grindstones and tables for cartography may be created using different types of wooden planks: the recipes for the stonecutter were transferred to the ordinary list of recipes but has corresponding tags and that there has been added a number of recipes for the campfire ( such as stripped wood blocks and logs and ordinary wooden blocks). Barrels are already functional and can also generate sounds.Added a user interface for the Cartography table.Added more functions for the Stonecutter.The Bell also has additional functions (new sounds / the bell is now a custom, not an experimental feature / in case the bells are powered by redstones or the player touches them, they will ring / if pushed by a piston, the bell might break / the bells can be bounced away by arrows).The campfire now has an enriched functionality (cooking using the campfire / when the campfire is blot out, smoke is coming out of it / if you place the campfire on a hay bale, it will make even more smoke / it is easier and quicker to break a campfire with the help of an ax).A user interface, custom sounds and new functions for the Grindstone.Currently, Pillager Patrons are able to appear within a world.New functions, particles, sounds for the Composter.If a Villager wants to sleep, he will not get stuck within the walls or pass through them.A new demand and economic scheme was implemented for the Villages.The number of pillager outposts was reduced.The Illager Captain: captains can spawn from outposts now they will also have banners ( see pic below).The interaction of the Ravager with the environment: he destroys any blocks around it while walking (tortoise eggs, ice layers, leaf, and stem blocks, beetroots, mushrooms, melons, berry bushes, grass, bamboo and chorus plants, etc.).The Vindicators and the Pillagers can now ride the Ravagers.The Illager Beast was renamed to the Ravager. Now he is walking more cautiously near the blocks that might affect him, for example, the berry bush blocks. Also, a bite attack was added for him.Bug fixes in the generation of the villages: All chests are already looted The bug regarding certain items being buried - fixed Lava made by the Blacksmiths has no more hazardous effect A fair generation of sea pickle A problem regarding ravines next to the desert villages have been fixed etc.List of changes regarding the Villagers: Librarians and farmers attend work on a regular basis Between the timetable changes of the workers, their professional goals are cleaned up The fixed professional goals are improved by the implementation of a break, a maximal time for working and greater ranges In case you reload your world, your fixed selected jobs will be lost The goal distances for the job sites have been increased.The Villagers from the already existing worlds are changed into new Villagers unless they aren't component parts of the marketplace Template World.Meanwhile, you can split the piles into halves by right-clicking, or by long pressing if you are a touch-screen user. Because we’re aware of this nuisance, we will fix it in the following beta. Unfortunately, there is an issue regarding the process of dividing whole piles of certain objects in the inventory and the crafting grid. Despite several errors that are necessarily going to be eliminated in the nearest future, and to be more precise, in the following beta version of the game, you will benefit from a lot of improvements, fixes, as well as new changes and additional features. We are happy to inform you that a new version of MCPE is available.